Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Tucker Joseph Week One

Here we are beginning our adjustment phase!  It's been really easy so far cause we're so spoiled with new babies.  Danny is able to take off most of that first week, Summer and Sawyer went to Illinois with my parents, and my mom has brought them back home but she is staying for another few days.  So Spoiled!!

Since grandparents were doing the kid transfer at the hospital, we had both sets together there to visit.  That doesn't happen too terrible often so it was fun to get the group shot!

Of course we had our first family of five picture attempt:)

And this little girl is absolutely enthralled.  Just like I thought she would be.  Also just as I thought, she has aaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll the questions when it comes to feeding the baby!

We had lots of visitors, but perhaps the most surprising was Aaron and Cassie stopping by on the way home from their hospital stay.  We were so glad they came!

Isn't that just so fun??  Two days apart!

Then we said our farewells to our beloved hospital and headed home ourselves.

It didn't take long before Tucker was quickly introduced to the harsh world of daddy's face smashing.  Okay maybe mommy helped a little bit with that one:)

We had several glorious days of peace before the other two came home and jumped right into all the fun.  Those are not pacis by the way.  It's a kazoo whistle thing they got from their cousin's birthday party in IL.  They love blowing them and it's great because they're not super loud and obnoxious!

Summer takes her role as big sister very, very seriously.  It's somewhere along the lines of cute and sweet and a little annoying.  But I'm sure the novelty will wear off after awhile.  Right?  Though she can be a help so I guess it's alright:)

Other than that we're just learning all about our little Tucker and loving him to pieces!

1 comment:

sarah.flyingkites said...

Lol at the squishy face picture.

Love the pic of the baby boy cousins-- so special!

Looks like you got a great helper there at home :) :)