Monday, November 13, 2017

Fall As Of Late

One beautiful fall day I thought Summer should experience and understand the joy that comes from playing in a pile of leaves.  But it has taken forEVER for the leaves to fall off the trees this year.  But I managed to scrape up a measly little pile and showed her how to play in it.  She liked throwing the leaves in the air but wasn't a huge fan of rolling around in them.  All my work for naught.

Sawyer's piano lessons

We didn't do costumes this year but Sawyer did get this cute little jack-o-lantern outfit from grandma that we wore to her fall party!

We also had his birthday party.  It was a puppy theme inspired by pinterest and this huge stuffed dog my mom gave us.  It was simple but cute!

Summer has been really into changing her clothes lately.  Unfortunately sometimes it's bad timing and we end up with a naked trick or treater greeter!  We quickly found her shirt though- we don't need the reputation of being "that" house!

Then a few days AFTER Halloween, Danny decided he wanted to carve one of our pumpkins.  So the timing was off but he and Summer still had fun with it and we roasted the seeds so it wasn't solely a Halloween thing I guess:)

When you tell Summer to go get her shoes on...

This past weekend I took a really quick trip to Illinois and left Danny and the kids behind.  It was only a 24 hour trip and just wasn't worth packing everything up, much to my mother's dismay.  

Danny put his awesome dad skills to good use while I was gone!  (He has lots of awesome dad skills.)  He redeemed my pathetic attempt at playing in the leaves!  Which reminded me that Sawyer still needs a coat for this winter lest he be stuck wearing his sister's hand me downs and his daddy's stocking cap!

Then I got this picture!!  Sawyer fell butt first into the trash can in the bathroom with the rest of his limbs sticking out.  He didn't think it was as funny as we did!

So that's been our fall thus far.  I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas with great anticipation!  I've had my Christmas music on since about the middle of October:)  I'm one of those...

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