Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Because Life Is Just Better When You're Wearing A Bike Helmet

Recently we spent a weekend camping and Summer had access to a couple of bike helmets that belong to her cousins.  You better believe that if she was awake, the bike helmet was on.

(The bike never actually moved while she was on it.  But the horn got honked over and over again!)

Helmets make food taste way better.

It makes watching people chop wood so much more exhilarating.

And footballs are much easier to handle while wearing a helmet.

Watching people chop wood, you ask?  Why yes, I did give it a try!  And it went about as good as you can possibly imagine by the looks of this picture:)

This guy didn't care about helmets or chopping wood.  He did, however, sample his first pudgy pie and he's a huge fan!

The following weekend we got to witness this gal get married.  It was a beautiful and God-honoring day and so good to catch up with some Alabama friends and other people we have connected with through them.

October is flying by and I'm still waiting for the real fall weather to arrive.  I keep thinking I'm going to switch out the kids' clothes but then I look at the upcoming weather and put it off just a little bit longer.  One of these days I'll need to, though, and pretty soon I'll be dreaming of sunshine.  But until then I will just keep burning my fall scented candles and imagine the air outside is just a little bit more crisp.

Ah, fall..... how I love you!

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